Politecnico 4

last update: 02/10/2020
sources: Politecnico di Torino

The new volumes envisaged by the Masterplan developed by Politecnico for the car park area, that would be moved underground, will be used for the creation of the Welfare House, thus improving the students’ and teachers’ life, and whose shape will define some of the Enfilade most significant spaces.

general information

area name

Politecnico 4


Corso Francesco Ferrucci, Circoscizione 3, Torino

type of intervention

Services for university

urban planning data

total gross floor area

3000 sqm (estemated)

timing for area availability

Type of action

Start of underground car park works: end of 2019 - expected end of works: beginning of 2021; Start of Welfare House works: beginning of 2021 – expected end of works: 2023.