
last update: 14/09/2020
sources: Città di Torino, 2020

In accordance with the decisions by the City Council, the design guidelines for the actions to be implemented by the unitary redevelopment project have been approved. The current proposal considers two options: A. increasing the spaces directly owned by the City (and therefore by the citizens) and the spaces not owned by the City, but subject to constraints, also temporarily, for an agreed use with the City; B. the construction of a “cultural hub” for artistic creation and fruition, a temporary residence and the development of synergies with national and international cultural institutions.

general information

area name



Via Giuseppe Verdi 9, Torino, Circoscrizione 1


Città di Torino, Cartolarizzazione Città di Torino S.r.l., Fondo FIV

type of intervention

Cultural hub

urban planning data

main intended use

20.000 sqm

total gross floor area

36.680 sqm

urban planning instrument/building procedure