last update: 1/10/2020
sources: Città di Torino

The urban area of Meisino Park will be regenerated through the creation of new sporting facilities to favour integration and social inclusion, and through the redevelopment and regeneration of the existing buildings inside the former military horse-riding track, now abandoned, to be transformed into an educational, sporting and environmental centre. The creation of a new embankment will raise the critical stretches of Meisino river banks, which will be used both as cyclo-cross path and as a guard against floods.

general information

area name



Corso Don Luigi Sturzo / Circoscrizione 7 / Torino


Città di Torino


Lineeverdi, De Ferrari Architetti, IPE consulting, IPE engeneering

intervention typology

sports complex

urban planning data

main intended use


public facilities

services and public spaces

The park will be provided with new cycle paths and bridges, fitness areas, playgrounds and inclusive routes.

informazion about the area


17,5 km from Torino Caselle Airport, 7,3 km from Torino Porta Nuova railway station, 7,5 km from ring