Grosseto FS

last update: 12/2022
sources: RFI, GTT Torino

The Regional Mobility Plan has set medium and long-term goals and strategies to extend the network and technological infrastructures of the Metropolitan Railway System.

The strengthening actions required in Torino and the first belt suburbs include the opening of the following stations: S. Paolo (n183), Borgata Quaglia-Gru (n186) and S. Luigi (n187), besides the creation of the new stops Dora (n184) and Zappata (n185). Moreover, the construction of Grosseto station (n188) is about to be completed.

Grosseto stop, introduced in the new Torino Ceres (n051) railway route, is going to replace Madonna di Campagna and will be the only GTT railway station in Torino. The station will consist of two levels (platform and subway) as well as several vertical connections between the platform and the subway. The project envisages also the construction of a parking lot.

general information

area name

Grosseto FS


Corso Grosseto, angolo via G. Lulli / Circoscrizione 5 / Torino




SCR Piemonte

intervention typology

New railway station

urban planning data

main intended use

Railway station

public facilities

services and public spaces

Construction of a park area

timing for area availability

conclusion of works