Ippica torinese

Opening of Lutrario ballroom, designed in 1959 by architect Carlo Mollino inside the rail workers’ club close to Dora railway station, purchased by the entrepreneur Attilio Lutrario in the mid-1920s and rebuilt by Nicolay Diulgheroff in 1951. The colourful lights, reflections and transparencies of Dancing Le Roi – as the ballroom is called now – are the distinctive features of Mollino’s typical settings.

In the same year Società Ippica Torinese is demolished. The horse racing company, designed by Mollino with engineer Vittorio Baudi in the area between via Pietro Giuria, corso Dante and corso Massimo d’Azeglio, was opened in 1940. A high school, the liceo classico Vittorio Alfieri, will be built in its place.
